Holocaust survivor shares her story with youngsters

  • Pupils hear of traumatic journey from Berlin to concentration camp to England

A HOLOCAUST survivor yesterday shared her fascinating story with pupils at a special presentation at Forres Academy.

Joanna Millan, 66, who lives in London, had been invited to the school by Glen Logan, principal teacher of history and modern studies.

She told S2 pupils, currently working on a project about the Holocaust, that she was orphaned after her Jewish parents were killed in the genocide.

After her father was gassed in the chambers at Auschwitz when she was one year old, Joanna and her mother were taken from their home in Berlin to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in the former Czechoslovakia.

As a child of under 10 years of age she was spared being sent to work, but after her mother was gassed to death shortly after their arrival, she spent the following two years huddled in a small room with five other orphans, too afraid to go outside in case she was shot by guards.




Webmaster note: Apparently, this woman hasn’t heard that the Nazis immediately killed all children who were too young to work.