Survivor recalls Holocaust terror
Eva Olsson, a Holocaust survivor now living in Canada, was the featured speaker at an event held by the Jewish Students’ Association on Tuesday, October 12.
She described the nude inspections that they were forced to endure.
When Olsson was forced to take off her clothes, she hung them over her right arm, where she had a scar. She did not know that anyone with a scar would be sent to the gas chamber and was very fortunate in what she had done. […]
At Auschwitz, the guards did a roll call every morning, no matter what the weather was like. One morning they were fed “surprise soup,” which included human hair and bones.
Sarah Allmendinger — Imprint staff
Mark Johnson — Imprint staff
October 15, 2004
Webmaster note: If you need more of this, check out the Holocaust Survivor Cookbook.